Imagedata Element


Imagedata Element

Internet Development Index

Defines an image for a shape.

The following attributes modify an image.

AltHRefSpecifies an alternate reference for an image.
BilevelDetermines whether an image will display in black and white.
BlackLevelDetermines the intensity of black in an image.
ChromakeyDefines the color in the palatte that will be treated as transparent.
CropBottomDefines the percentage of picture removal from the bottom side.
CropLeftDefines the percentage of picture removal from the left side.
CropRightDefines the percentage of picture removal from the right side.
CropTopDefines the percentage of picture removal from the top side.
DetectMouseClickDetermines whether a mouse click will be detected.
EmbossColorDefines the color for embossed color effects.
GainDefines the intensity of all colors in an image.
GammaDefines the amount of contrast for an image.
GrayScaleDetermines whether a picture will display in grayscale mode.
HRefDefines a URL for an image.
IDDefines a unique identifier for an image.
MovieDefines a pointer to a movie image.
OLEIDStores the OLE ID of an image.
SrcDefines a source for the image.
TitleDefines the title of an image.


This element must be defined within a Shape element.

In addition, the Src attribute must point to an image.

The following is the minimum code needed to produce an image.

   <v:imagedata src="..\art\kids.jpg"/>
Note that in beta releases of VML, this element was called Image.


Click here to view a simple image.

Click here to view a more complex sample.